Analyst Coverage

Company Analyst Recommendation Target Price Last Revision
Bank of America Flavio Yoshida Underperform R$1.60 01/15/2025
Bradesco BBI Mario Osako Neutral R$3.10 01/22/2025
BTG Pactual SA Samuel Alves Neutral R$4.00 08/08/2024
Citi Leandro Bastos Neutral R$2.00 02/05/2025
Genial Luis Assis Hold R$5.00 03/29/2023
Goldman Sachs Gustavo Miele Sell R$1.90 12/19/2024
Itaú BBA Vinicius Figueiredo Market-perform R$3.00 10/15/2024
JP Morgan Joseph Giordano Underweight R$- 08/05/2024
Safra Ricardo Boiati Neutral R$2.50 03/21/2024
Santander Caio Moscardini Neutral R$1.80 01/09/2025

Qualicorp is covered by the analysts listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Qualicorp´s performance, made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Company or its management. Qualicorp does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. The Company does not warrant that the above list of analysts is complete, nor updated, and the information herein provided are subject to the authorization of the analysts.


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