Last update: September 19, 2023
- Qualicorp begins operations. Specialization in partnerships with class entities and negotiations with HMOs to make group plans viable and attractive for these organizations. Qualicorp starts operations, with a focus on offering group health plans.
- Law No. 9,656 was published, which deals with private health plans and insurance and the companies in this field, which are the HMOs.
- Regulation of private health plans by the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), created in order to establish performance standards, in accordance with Law 9.656/98.
- Beginning of service to corporate customers. Health plans sales and other benefits consolidation for corporate clients.
- Qualicorp’s operations expands with the commercialization of Personal Insurance, due to the signing of Group Polices with Insurance Companies.
- Inauguration of TPA services (Third-Party Administration) services to government agencies.
- Qualicorp S.A foundation, Qualicorp Group’s holding Company, according to the Corporate Reorganization.
- Several acquisitions with the objectives of improving service provision, expanding the geographic presence and expanding operations to other insurance areas.
- Public offering for secondary distribution of shares. Constitution of the do Clube de Saúde Administradora de Benefícios, focused on promoting and managing group plan portfolios for the classes;
- Acquisition of Fidelitas Corretora de Seguros, Padrão Group companies and Aliança Group companies.
- On October 7, 2013, the Company, along with its direct subsidiary Qualicorp Administradora de Benefícios S.A., founded the private limited company Clube de Saúde Administradora de Benefícios Ltda., aiming to promote and manage its Affinity segment portfolio to C and D classes, managing its processes, revenues, costs and expenses related improving and maximizing its operating margin.
- On April 30, 2014, the Company announced its intention to purchase Saúde Soluções Participações S.A., the controlling shareholder of Connectmed-CRC and Gama Saúde. The acquisition was approved at the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting held on August 13th, 2014, as was the merger of Saúde Soluções Participações S.A. into Qualicorp S.A., whose direct subsidiaries are now Connectmed-CRC and Gama Saúde.
- Expansion of TPA and connectivity services for companies and institutes.
- On October 2, 2017 Aliança Administradora de Benefícios de Saúde S.A and GA Corretora de Seguros, Consultoria, Administração e Serviços S.A were merged.
- On December 20, 2018, the Company incorporated the subsidiary QSaúde Operadora de Plano de Saúde Ltda., with the aim of selling health plans.
- Changes in the presidency and in the Board of Directors;
- Acquisition of Uniconsult, adding 40,000 lives to the portfolio;
- On October 17, 2019 the Agreement for the disposal of shares concluded on August 8th, 2019, between Mr. José Seripieri Filho (founding shareholder) and Rede D‘Or was approved by the Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE).
- Acquisition of the benefits administrator Plural, adding about 100,000 lives to those served by Qualicorp, another 14,000 with Clube Care and 4,300; clients of Health Administradora de Benefícios (Health Benefits Administrator);
- Conclusion of the QSaúde sales process;
- Acquisition of Uniconsult Administradora de Benefícios e Serviços Ltda.;
- Acquisition of client portfolio obligations of approximately 14,000 lives in the Affinities segment, with Clube Care Administradora de Benefícios Ltda. and Clube Care Assessoria Comercial Ltda.;
- Partnership with Notre Dame Intermédica Participações S.A (“GNDI”), for the commercialization of Affinities segment’s plans;
- Incorporation of the acquisition of the client portfolio of Health Administradora de Benefícios;
- Acquisition of Plural Gestão em Planos de Saúde Ltda. and Oxcorp Gestão Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros.
- Launch of the new brand;
- Launch of the platform Qualiseguros;
- Acquisition of a minority stake in Escale and Escale Health;
- Acquisition of Elo Group and Apm (incorporated in January 2023);
- Acquisition of a portfolio of 55 thousand clients of MMS and Soma.
- Consolidation of the #NossoJeitoQualiDeSer culture with a focus on integrity, diversity and ethical relationships, bringing greater adherence of the Company to ESG aspects;
- Inaugurations of Qualicity in the historic center of São Paulo and of the new office and Casa do Cliente at Av. Paulista;
- Expanded product portfolio with new HMOs, in several regions and in all price ranges;
- Beginning of the digital transformation process, through investments in innovation and operational efficiency, as well as a management based on data
- analysis;
- Publication of the first Company’s Annual Sustainability Report on July 25, 2022;
- For the first time in our history, we won the ANEFAC 2022 Transparency Trophy;
- The Top of Mind HR award in the Benefits Consulting category for the 9th year;
- We were among the 100 HRs that inspire the most, receiving the Gupy Highlights Award;
- The ABT 2022 Customer Relationship Award, in the People Management category, for the case of Transformation in Quali’s Service;
- We stood out in HR management and corporate governance at the Health sector within the yearbook As Melhores da Revista IstoÉ Dinheiro Magazine;
- We were certified with the GPTW – Great Place to Work seal for the third consecutive year;
- We were included in the newly created IGPTW, B3 Index that consolidates the companies considered as best to work for by GPTW (Great Place to Work) consultancy.
- Prisma assumes the management of relevant participation of Rede D’or shares with the appointment of new independent members on the Board of Directors;
- Election of Mr. Maurício Lopes as new CEO;
- Recertification with the GPTW – Great Place to Work seal, for the fourth consecutive year;
- One of the best companies in the Excellence in People Management survey, receiving the main highlight in the category Practice in People Management;
- New brand awarded in the branding category by the IF Design Award 2023.