Corporate Profile
Qualicorp Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros S.A. (“Company” or “Qualicorp”) is one of the leaders in Brazil in the administration, management and sale of group, corporate and Affinity health plans. Provides healthcare services, serving more than 2.3 million beneficiaries through more than 400 Professional Associations and/or Class Entities, more than 100 partner HMOs, which allows the Company to negotiate with the HMOs more favorable prices and conditions for the benefit of its beneficiaries
The Company was founded in 1997 with the goal of expanding access to private health plans, to quality health and lower prices to the Brazilian population. In Qualicorp’s business model we do not directly incur actuarial risks, healthcare coverage or medical expenses reimbursement, but part of our revenue may be subject to variable compensation clauses, which are impacted by the variation in the loss ratio of the portfolios sold by Qualicorp. An innovative approach to the administration and management of health benefits has been adopted, combining “pre and post-sale” services through a range of administrative, financial, operational and commercial solutions, aiming to add value in the service provision to clients, consumers and partners.
Qualicorp’s main objective is to offer the population health plans that meet their needs with quality and affordable prices.
The Company provides health benefits contracting, sales and administration services, consulting services for health benefits management, third-party administration (TPA) services and information technology applied to health care. These services are provided through the two segments described below:
Affinity Segment (Group Affinity Plans)
We negotiate contracts with HMOs through customized health solutions for Professional Associations and/or Class Entities members. The Company’s clients can save up to 50% relative to what its beneficiaries would pay for a comparable individual health plan. In addition, the Company provides exclusive brokerage services to distribute these plans directly to professional association members. Specialized and personalized services are also offered (i) to beneficiaries: inclusion and registration with HMOs, monthly fee billing, assistance to resolve administrative issues and concierge services; (2) to Professional Associations and/or Class Entities: outsourcing of operational, financial and commercial services, relieving them of providing such services, in addition to creating incentives for new affiliations and loyalty of their members; and (3) to Health Plan Operators (HMOs): sales, billing and guaranteed payment for the first 30-days past due.
Qualicorp is the primary interface with beneficiaries, which leads to high customer retention rates and creates cross-selling opportunities for other products such as dental, life insurance and other complementary products.
Our Affinity Health Lives portfolio ended 2022 with just over 1 million lives. We recorded in the year organic gross adds of 410,700 lives, which represents an average monthly sale of 34,200 lives. In addition, we acquired portfolios that added 5,500 lives. On the other hand, we had the cancellation 580.2 thousand lives canceled during the year, mostly due to delinquency and financial difficulties of our Beneficiaries, according to our own survey conducted with them.
Corporate Segment (Corporate Group Plans) and Others
The Company carries out consulting and intermediation activities of corporate group health plans with companies of the most various sizes and profiles, Brazilian and multinational, which offer such benefits to their partners and employees, and their dependents. In December 31, 2022, Qualicorp provided brokerage and/or consulting services to 20 thousand small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The plans offered are those contracted by companies with the main HMOs in the country, which accounted for 83,9 thousand lives in the same period. Corporate plans encompassing large companies accounted for 240,6 thousand lives in December 2022. We offer brokerage service by the controlling shareholder and by our subsidiary Oxcorp Gestão Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros Ltda.
We provide health plan consultancy, brokerage, healthcare information technology and TPA services to leading national and multi-national companies and governmental entities in Brazil. The Company utilizes a specialized and consultative approach, through which it seek to offer personalized and high-quality services in order to strengthen the relationship with its customers. These characteristics reinforce its ability to act as a unique distribution and management channel for HMOs.
Massified Insurance and Marketplace
Contributing to the Company’s strategic objective to become a multi-product and multi-channel platform, QualiSeguros was recently launched, a marketplace tool for online contracting, end-to-end. The product was made available to all of the Company’s Clients and to the general public, with eight different product categories: pet assistance, personal accident insurance, auto pay-per-use insurance, cellphone insurance, life insurance, income loss insurance, home insurance and professional liability insurance. The Company selected the main insurers in the country to offer the products available at Qualiseguros, with a focus on bringing security and tranquility to the Client. The platform allows the purchase simulation and comparison of coverages, assistance and services from different insurers. After choosing the insurance that best meets their needs, the costumer concludes the hiring in a few minutes, 100% online and there is service channel via Whatsapp for support in the journey and or doubt in hiring.
Health Solutions Unit
The Health Solutions Unit is composed by the companies listed below and, through it, the Company expands its service offering to the TPA segment, in line with its strategic guidelines, widely disclosed to the market since its IPO.
Connectmed CRC Consultoria Administração e Tecnologia em Saúde Ltda. (“Connectmed”), a company controlled by Qualicorp, incorporated on November 26, 2009, is a healthcare solutions and technology platform company and offers services for various healthcare segments, in particular, for supplementary healthcare (HMO: self-management, insurance companies, cooperatives and group medicine). The main pillars of services offered are: (i) Complete BPO (complete outsourcing of a healthcare operation); (ii) medical regulation and auditing; (iii) processing and analysis of medical bills; (iv) call center specialized in health; (v) licensing of health systems, platforms and applications; (vi) specialized consultancies; (vii) health management (beneficiary monitoring programs); (viii) management and formation of accredited network, among others. With more than a decade of experience in the healthcare market, it offers a customized portfolio of products and services that can be selected and integrated in a specific way for each business.
Gama Saúde Ltda. (“Gama Saúde”) is a HMO with more than 25 years of experience in the market, registered with the ANS – National Agency for Supplementary Health, No. 40,701-1, specialized in the health plans supply in the post-payment modality and in the national Network Rental for Group Medicine Operators, Insurers, Cooperatives or even for public and private Self-management. Gama Saúde offers its clients: (a) access to its accredited networks of service providers, distributed nationally and hierarchically so that it is possible to accommodate different products among customers; (b) access management to this network, through services that cover the entire beneficiary care journey, from the inclusion of the beneficiary in the base for care to the presentation of the audited medical bill to the HMO; (c) outsourced support services for healthcare; and (d) specialized care administration services.
With this, Gama Saúde aims for its clients to manage their costs with postpaid health plans, eliminating fixed expenses and reducing investments One of Gama’s great differentials is its network capillarity, in addition to excellence in the use of cutting-edge technology that allows the services to be flexible, seeking to meet the needs and specificities of each client.
Last update: September 19, 2023